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The Percentage of People with Untreated Sleep Apnea Atlanta, GA

Wayne G. Suway, DDS, MAGD, D.ABDSM

man in gray pajamas sleeps in white sheets

Sleep disorders have become increasingly prevalent in today’s fast-paced world. Among them, obstructive sleep apnea is a common and often untreated condition affecting a significant portion of the population.

At the Atlanta Sleep Apnea Treatment Center, we are committed to helping individuals overcome sleep disorders like sleep apnea, snoring, and teeth grinding, all of which can disrupt your nightly rest and have profound health implications.

Sleep Apnea Awareness

A lack of awareness is one of the primary reasons why the percentage of people with untreated sleep apnea remains high. Many individuals are unaware of the signs and symptoms of sleep apnea, leading them to ignore or dismiss their condition. This lack of awareness is unfortunate because untreated sleep apnea can have far-reaching consequences on your overall health.

One primary concern associated with untreated sleep apnea is its strong association with comorbidities. Individuals with sleep apnea are at higher risk of suffering conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, coronary artery disease, depression, and even Alzheimer’s disease. These comorbidities can be life-altering, making it crucial to identify and address sleep apnea early on.

So, why do so many people go untreated for sleep apnea? There are several key factors at play.

Lack of Symptoms Awareness

Sleep apnea often manifests in subtle ways, such as snoring, teeth grinding, or brief interruptions in breathing during sleep. Many individuals attribute these symptoms to normal variations in sleep, failing to recognize them as potential signs of a severe sleep disorder.

Fear of Diagnosis

Some people hesitate to seek help for sleep problems because they fear a sleep apnea diagnosis. They worry about the inconvenience of treatment options like continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or oral appliance therapy. However, delaying diagnosis and treatment only allows the condition to worsen.


There needs to be more clarity about sleep apnea and its treatment options. Some believe that surgery is the only solution. In contrast, others must be made aware of the effectiveness of non-invasive approaches like lifestyle changes and oral appliances. Raising awareness about the variety of treatment options available is crucial.

Lack of Routine Screening

Unlike other medical conditions, sleep apnea is not routinely screened for during regular check-ups. This approach means that the condition can go undiagnosed for years unless individuals actively seek evaluation through a sleep study.

At the Atlanta Sleep Apnea Treatment Center, we encourage anyone experiencing symptoms like snoring, teeth grinding, or disrupted sleep patterns to seek help promptly. Our team, led by Dr. Suway, a Diplomate of the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine (ABDSM), is well-equipped to diagnose and treat sleep apnea in partnership with physicians.

If you suspect you may have sleep apnea or are experiencing related symptoms, contact the Atlanta Sleep Apnea Treatment Center today. Our team will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

Posted on behalf of Atlanta Sleep Apnea Treatment Center

1820 The Exchange SE, #600
Atlanta, GA 30339

Phone: (678) 401-7615

Mon - Thu: 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM
Closed for lunch: 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Schedule an Appointment

Wayne G. Suway, DDS, MAGD, D.ABDSM
logo Atlanta Sleep Apnea Treatment Center Atlanta, GA

1820 The Exchange SE, #600
Atlanta, GA 30339


Mon - Thu: 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM
Closed for lunch: 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM